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Hope Springs Heinemann Plays

Richard Conlon
ISBN/Cat.No: 9780435999964 ISBN-10: 0435999966 Title: Hope Springs Heinemann Plays Publisher: Heinemann Format: Hardback Publication Status: Available Publication Date: 5th May 2006
List Price £16.89 Our Price £13.51 20 % off all Heinemann titles Add to basket


Hope Springs is a correctional facility for teenagers. Sent to the remote island by their parents, students are subjected to draconian discipline in the attempt to 'cure' them of their delinquent ways. When communication with the island breaks down, two inspectors turn up to discover the students have taken over the island. The students confront the regime, their experiences and the tragedy which resulted in the students taking matters into their own hands. A thrilling play for use in either English or Drama. The script can be studied for:

  • author's craft
  • plot
  • structure
  • characterisation
  • analysis of language
  • performance text
  • creating dramatic tension and suspense.